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Selling items via Imber Traders

CrafterBUILDY CrafterBUILDY: 5 months ago

Make Survival Imber Traders so that you can sell items as much as you want without them "running out of space". That would be really useful!! \Thanks

-CrafteBUILDY's suggestion, it is essential you apply this idea!



CrafterBUILDY CrafterBUILDY: 5 months ago

I have an alternative. The traders at Imber still can get out of space, but make it so that they get some space back each Minecraft day.

Vertanzil Vertanzil: 5 months ago

We could perhaps look at changing the shop system if this gets more support we will look to change this.

ImAlsoGus ImAlsoGus: 5 months ago

Unlimited item sales to the traders would make it profitable to build giant farms, which could tax server resources. It's also how many servers end up with absurdly huge amounts of money sloshing around.

(Can we add more things to spend money on? Maybe custom enchantments? Spawners for more creatures, as prizes?)

GrannySue GrannySue: 3 months ago

there needs to be a limit because otherwise people with huge auto farms can earn a lot of money for no work once the farm has been set up.
Daily limits may be acceptable but not unlimited

Vertanzil Vertanzil: 29 days ago

Community support not met, closing this.