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Stackable shulker boxes

TheDuck333 TheDuck333: 4 months ago

Stackable shulker boxes



Mariobot2024_YT Mariobot2024_YT: 4 months ago

it will be modid be josh Will try

TheDuck333 TheDuck333: 3 months ago

Let me clarify a bit: not stacking shulker boxes, but putting shulkers inside shulkers.

Vertanzil Vertanzil: 3 months ago

This is possible however I do not see what application this could be used for?

TheDuck333 TheDuck333: 3 months ago

I would probably just use it so I don't have to carry around ~30 shulkers when I'm building. Could also be used for better storage in farms.

Mariobot2024_YT Mariobot2024_YT: 3 months ago

ohhhhh ok