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(part 2) When the voting starts someone could go and video the voting, it will hopefully attract new players.

TGUnicorn TGUnicorn: 6 months ago

(part 2) When the voting starts someone could go and video the voting, it will hopefully attract new players.



GrannySue GrannySue: 6 months ago

I love this idea. If one of us could fly around each entry. Say who built it BUT no comments on the quality of the build AND only around the entries that fulfill contest requirements. A YT video could bring in new players for future contests and encourage players to vote.
Excellent suggestion!

Blacktane Blacktane: 6 months ago

We Can definately Implement this.

Mariobot2024_YT Mariobot2024_YT: 4 months ago

this is so good!!!!!

Wardog2112 Wardog2112: 3 months ago

this is the way!