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Ancient Temple Contest - October 2023
Started by Blacktane



Mod Pro Elite
13 Dec 2022
Last Seen
17 Apr 2024

n October, we are doing a single contest. You can start building now, and submit your entry starting October 1st. Start voting for your favourite entries on October 24th.


 🛕 Ancient Temple Building Contest 🛕 

Construct a forest full of secrets. Build an ANCIENT TEMPLE and create hidden traps. You can spawn animals to bring your temple to life - get creative! Show off your ancient building to the entire Minecraft community, and become the ultimate temple architect in the virtual world.

Important Dates

NOW: You can start building.

October 1: You can submit your entry with /contest submit

October 24:  Voting starts.

October 28: Voting ends.

October 31: Winners announced.



Each contest will have its own set of winners. We will have TWO winners this month!

-🥇 Most Votes: $10 isoVerse Gift Card, 1x Boosted Drop Party ticket, 1× Standard Drop Party Ticket

-🥈 Staff Favorite: 8× Legendary crates of your choice

-🏅 All Participants: 1× Standard Drop Party Ticket



You must participate in the contest to win the "All participants" prize.

Your entries must have a clear amount of effort to be qualified for receiving votes and prizes.

You can build with friends, but only the person submitting the entry will win a prize.

You can use redstone and other mechanics on your plot.

You can build on merged plots.


Where to build? Build in /creative on your plot! If you have things on your plot, you can make a sky platform and build on that, or build underground. Use World Edit to help with your project. Be sure to /donate if you'd like extra Plots to build on, or extra WorldEdit perks to help with building. 


How to enter? Stand at the entry location of your contest build. You could build an entry platform, or have the teleport location be inside your entry. Run the command `/contest submit` to enter your submission in the contest. You can run this command twice, once at each entry, if you are entering both of the contests.


Blacktane · 10 months ago