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Easter Update
Started by Blacktane



Mod Pro Elite
13 Dec 2022
Last Seen
17 Apr 2024

EASTER UPDATE: Spring has sprung, and our Easter update is here! 

For the month of April, join us on isoVerse for an exciting Egg Hunt, new Infinite Parkour mode, Easter party, and a Rollercoaster Contest!

🥚 Easter Egg Hunt

A huge egg hunt event happening in April only! Type /event to join.

-  🏆 Find all 75 Eggs and win ONE MONTH OF @Pro

-  🧰 Earn Legendary Crates and other rewards by finding eggs, popping chickens, being on the leaderboard.

- 🧭 Use the Magic Compass to point yourself to the closest egg

- 🐔 Pop Chickens by clicking on them to earn rewards and points towards a Magic Compass

- ⛱ Falling Loot from the sky! Be the first to find the drops and win the rewards


♾ Infinite Parkour

A new Parkour gamemode. Type /parkour and walk forward to play an unlimited amount of Parkour, in your own personal lobby! Set high scores and compete against others, face increasingly difficult obstacles, and earn rewards along the way.


📆 Easter Party

Join us 15 April 2023 17:00 BST (12:00 EDT) for a huge celebration with an Easter skin vote, Cake Wars competition, Drop Party, and isoShow Trivia Competition! Everyone who attends will get an exclusive /banner. Visit the events channel to learn more!  

🎢 Rollercoaster Contest

Build a rollercoaster and have THREE chances of winning first place, including a @Pro rank! You have all month to build your coaster and we'll race on it live during a community event. Check the contests channel to learn more!


Make sure to apply at if you are interested in being on our teams that help make these events and updates possible! This event runs from April 1 through April 30. Sign up for our Website to stay in the loop:


Blacktane · about 1 year ago · Last edited: about 1 year ago