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March Contest: Build a PvP Base
Started by joshwenke



Owner Dev Pro Elite
22 Sep 2022
Last Seen
17 Jul 2024

⚔ March Contest: Build a PvP Base ⚔

This month we are asking you to build an aesthetically pleasing PvP base that will both be good in defense and offense! Your bases WILL be used for PVP so don't just go for aesthetics! You will need a perfect balance of good design and building, ability to defend against attacks, and taking down any enemies attacking you! Make sure your base is able to protect itself and give it the best shot it can at winning!

To enter the contest, build your submission on a normal 99x99 creative plot then type  /contest submit  at the entrance to your build. You can build your PvP base how you like as long as it's within the 99x99 size limit. Redstone is allowed to be used in your builds. 

Important Dates

  • March 5 -> March 25: Contest is open for submissions
  • March 25 -> March 30: Voting is open and people can rate builds out of 3 categories: aesthetics, offensive capabilities and defensive capabilities.
  • March 31: Winner will be announced.



🥉 3rd place will receive 1000xp, $3000 Survival money and 3x Legendary crates.

🥈 2nd place will receive 2000xp, $6000 Survival money and a 5x Legendary crates.

🥇 1st place will receive 5000xp, $10,000 Survival money, 8x Legendary crates, their building being displayed in the Hub, PLUS their choice of:

  • • A month of Pro
  • • +1 Creative plot
  • • Access to the head database
  • • Get your build moved to Survival for free (Not including chests or unreasonable items); or
  • • Additional $25,000 Survival money

- Please note that the rewards will be given to the player who submits the contest. If multiple people have helped on the build it's up to the players to distribute the reward -

Join the Media Team

If you would like to be part of the Media Team and help run contests such as these, be sure to show your interest by filling out the submission page on our website!

Happy building everyone!

joshwenke · about 1 year ago · Last edited: about 1 year ago


28 Dec 2022
Last Seen
03 Apr 2024

Goodluck everyone!

Have a fun build!

Step into a world of endless excitement, here in isoVerse

CaptinServers · about 1 year ago