Click to copy IP
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Welcome to isoVerse!
To join our community, please login or register!
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Last edited by joshwenke · 2 months ago

Welcome! Get to know our Minecraft network and make the most of your experience. Learn about the different features, commands, and best practices.

Getting Started

Read these first as you begin your isoVerse experience.




Five fun and unique servers, where there is always something to do.



Last edited by joshwenke · 2 months ago

At isoVerse, we are an all inclusive network. You can join from Java, Bedrock, Mobile, Xbox, Playstation, & Switch. Below are instructions on how to join on each device to connect to the network and play with friends.



  1. Open Minecraft
  2. Navigate to the mulitplayer tab
  3. Cick ''add server''
  4. Enter server name (ie. isoVerse) and IP (isoVerse.net) as seen below
  5. Click done, then join, and enjoy!


  1. Open Minecraft
  2. Switch to the server tab
  3. Scroll down and press add server
  4. Enter server name (ie. isoVerse) and IP (isoVerse.net) as seen below
  5. Press save and click on the server and join.


  1. Open Minecraft
  2. Switch to the server tab
  3. Scroll down and press add server
  4. Enter server name (ie. isoVerse) and IP (isoVerse.net) as seen below
  5. Press save and click on the server and join.


  1. Follow the tutorial to change your DNS Here
  2. Change DNS in settings to one of the IP's below
  3. Make sure you have Xbox live
  4. Open Minecraft
  5. Switch to the server tab
  6. Scroll down and press add server
  7. Enter server name (ie. isoVerse) and IP (isoVerse.net) as seen below
  8. Press save and click on the server and join.


  1. Follow the tutorial to change your DNS Here
  2. Change DNS in settings to one of the IP's below
  3. Make sure you have Playstation plus
  4. Open Minecraft
  5. Switch to the server tab
  6. Scroll down and press add server
  7. Enter server name (ie. isoVerse) and IP (isoVerse.net) as seen below
  8. Press save and click on the server and join.


  1. Follow the tutorial to change your DNS Here
  2. Change DNS in settings to one of the IP's below
  3. Make sure you have Nintendo Switch Online
  4. Open Minecraft
  5. Switch to the server tab
  6. Join any server until you get to this page
  7. Enter server name (ie. isoVerse) and IP (isoVerse.net) as seen below
  8. Press save and click on the server and join.

Last edited by joshwenke · about 1 month ago

These simple rules apply anywhere you interact with isoVerse. Failure to follow the rules may result in a ban from isoVerse.


1 Respect everyone at all times

We expect you to respect other players and staff members. Be mindful of other people. Act maturely and respectfully. If you disagree with someone, don't be a jerk.

2 Keep the chat clean

Everyone is welcome at isoVerse, but the language you use in chat must be appropriate at all times. There can be young players on the server, and we have a strict zero-tolerance policy to any inappropriate content in general chat and private messages. Every message you send should be family-friendly. If you make a mistake, the filter will automatically correct you. 

Do not attempt to bypass the chat filter. If a word in your message is blocked by the filter, do not attempt to add characters or spaces to force the message to go through. Instead, stop saying that word. 

  • No swearing: Absolutely no cussing, cursing, or foul language.
  • No spamming: Don't use noisy chat, by repeating the same letter or message.
  • No advertising: Do not persuade or promote others to join a different Minecraft server. Limited discussion of other popular servers is OK, to an extent.
  • No sensitive subjects: Avoid topics of self-harm, trauma, violence, illegal activity, drugs, etc.
  • No inappropriate subjects: No sexual discussion, sexuality, or NSFW content. Keep discussion content family-friendly.
  • No politics*: Don't share your opinions of political events or politicians.
  • No religion*: Don't share religious beliefs or ask others to share theirs.
  • No flirting*: Don't show public displays of affection, whether the person wants it or not
  • No role-playing*: Don't use public chat for role-playing activities.
  • Items marked with an asterisk (*) do not apply in private messages only if those receiving the message consent to that type of content.

3 No client modifications or exploits

Mods can provide a new way to play Minecraft. Some add new items or entities (which are allowed but simply won't work), or change sound effects or add shading to the world (which are perfectly acceptable). However, some mods (including hacked clients) allow you to cheat on Minecraft servers. You can NOT use any of these mods. If it changes gameplay, gives you an unfair advantage, or shows you something valuable you can't see in vanilla Minecraft, it is not allowed. If you discover an exploit that could give an unfair advantage due to a bug or technical flaw, it is your responsibility to report it to us. If you abuse the exploit without telling us, you will be banned. Don't try to break or trick in-game systems like the AFK timer. You are not allowed to use any scripts, keybinds, or auto clickers to make your computer do work that normally would need to be done by a human.

Allowed & Banned Mods

Allowed Modifications 

Not on this list? Then it's not allowed.

Texture Packs (non- X-Ray only)
Resource Packs (non- X-Ray only)
OptiFine, Sodium, other FPS boosters
Badlion/Lunar Client
Rei's Minimap (NOT any that allows cheating)
Replay mod - ONLY allowed if used for filming exclusively. Using it to find hidden ores or locations is bannable.
BetterGrass, BetterLight, etc. (Included in OptiFine)
Higher Clouds (included in OptiFine)
Water Shader Mods
World Edit CUI
Sunlis' Durability Warning Mod
Clear Water (included in OptiFine)
MC Capes (included in OptiFine)
Status Effect HUD
Better Animation
Rave mod
Auto Join
Unbelievable Shaders Mod
Inventory HUD+
Litematica (EasyPlace is NOT allowed)
Shulker Box Tooltips
No other mods are allowed unless on this list.

Banned Modifications

Just a few examples.

World/Schematic Downloaders
Entity Radars
Range hacks
Walk on water mods
Smart Moving
Chest Finders
Inventory Tweaks
Battle advantages or quick draw mods
Mob dismemberment/amputation
Any type of modified clients (Nodus, Wurst, etc.)
Tool-assisted speed-run
Anything else that modifies gameplay or gives an unfair advantage.

 No griefing, stealing, property damage, or trolling

If you didn't build it, don't touch it. Don't create traps that will damage other players. Create warps in safe locations only. Don't claim land next to another player's claim without their permission. If you are unsure if an area belongs to someone else, create a /ticket at its location and the staff team will confirm.

5 No inappropriate buildings, skins, usernames

You are responsible for everything you build, the skin you wear, and your username. Our rules apply to any form of content you create on the isoVerse Network.


Infractions are warning and punishments for not following our rules or policies. There may be a varying amount of infractions issued for rule infractions depending on the situation and severity.

Received a ban or mute?

If you have an infraction preventing you from logging in or chatting, you can appeal it here.

You may receive an infraction from a staff member for breaking our rules, or not following our policies. Every player is held to a high standard and following the rules is a basic expectation of everyone, while on Minecraft Server, Website, or Discord.

  • Verbal warning
    If a staff member asks you to change your behavior to follow our rules, their request is an expectation. A verbal warning may not always be given. These do not show up on a player's /history but are accessible to staff members.
  • Warning
    When receiving a warning, consider it a formal requirement and notice to stop breaking the rules. There may be a varying amount of warnings issued, or none at all, depending on the situation. Warnings and all other infractions are permanently logged on a player's /history.
  • Mute
    While muted, you cannot speak or use other social functions of isoVerse. A mute is issued for chat-related infractions and begins as a temporary chat block which can become permanent with repeated abuse. Do not attempt to get around this by using Discord.
  • Ban
    While banned, you cannot join isoVerse. Bans may be specific to one platform, or across our Minecraft Server, Website, and Discord. Bans are issued for more severe infractions and can be temporary or permanent.

If you believe you received an infraction unfairly from a staff member, or if you were not breaking the rules, please file an appeal. Our staff team does our best to enforce the rules fairly and equally, but if you disagree with an infraction, an appeal is the best way to handle it. Do not escalate situations in which you receive an infraction, even if you believe it is fair. Instead, file an appeal and the entire staff team will review your case.

isoVerse staff instructions and or decisions are final and non-negotiable. If you feel as if a specific decision is abusive and or incorrect, you may file an appeal. There is a level of reasonable expectation and understanding that some rules may or may not be documented, but can and will be enforced by Administration. The Administration reserves the right to alter these rules, their caveats, punishments, and or other factors at any time. Some rules may be enforced at the discretion of the staff member and on a case-by-case basis.


Technical details and specific explanations of certain rules or standards that everyone should adhere to.

  • Inactivity Policy
    To keep our databases happy and our storage costs to a minimum, we track how active you are on our Minecraft server. If you are offline from the server for a very long time (1+ year), we may delete some of the data we have stored about you to free up space for other players. Before deleting any data, we will do our best to reach out to you first via in-game mail, Discord, email, etc and provide plenty of time for you to respond. To avoid any data loss, simply log in to our Minecraft server if you are able to. Make sure to link your Discord account and sign up for our website so we have contact information on file for you. If you cannot do any of this, please notify a staff member before your departure so we can ensure your data is kept. You can check a player's last login date with /seen [player].

    Data that may be deleted but not limited to: Warps, Unlocked Cosmetics, XP and level, Survival land claims, Survival towns, Survival balance, Skyblock Islands, Creative Plots. While data is not routinely removed, prolonged periods (i.e. years) of inactivity may result in the loss of your rank. We may switch to new backend systems, make changes to rank structure, etc. We will do our best to notify you ahead of time via the website and Discord. 

  • Sharing Donor Perks
    When you get a rank, you also get perks. All of these features are designed to benefit you only, not other players. Using your perks to benefit another player is against the rules and will result in forfeiture of your donor rank. Examples include (but are not limited to): placing colored signs for others, changing plot flags on a plot in which you're not a major builder, changing Island border/biome/name of an Island you don't own, claiming plots then transferring them to someone else to avoid the plot limits, etc.

  • Automatic Farms & Lag Machines
    We encourage players to take advantage of all Minecraft mechanics, including building automatic farms, generators, and complex redstone contraptions. You can make any kind of farm which produces or duplicates items as long as it's able to be reproduced in a vanilla singleplayer game. However, any structure or creation that causes lag, harm to others, exploits the server features or economy, causes a major unfair advantage to other players, or unnecessary use or creation of resources may be disabled immediately and without warning. Players will likely never receive infractions for creating automatic farms unless repeated, intentional warnings against causing lag/exploits are ignored. Note that some types of automated farms are blocked by the server to prevent unfair advantages. 

  • Alternate Accounts
    Each human playing on isoVerse must have a single Minecraft account that they use to join the server, and must have a single Discord account they use on our Discord. Using multiple accounts to attempt to gain playtime, keep chunks loaded, earn money or XP, collect items, avoid the AFK timer, or assist your primary account in any way is not allowed. If you are banned or punished, you are not allowed to use another account in an attempt to bypass the infraction. Attempts to bypass or trick the AFK timer will result in a ban. Switching between your Java and Bedrock account depending on which device is available to you is allowed, as long as you don't use both accounts at once for an unfair advantage. In this situation, we recommend using /linkaccount to link your Java & Bedrock accounts so you can play on any device seamlessly.

  • Keep Your Account Secure
    If you don't have a long, complex, unique, and secure password for your Minecraft.net account, go update it. If your Discord account doesn't have two-factor authentication, go turn that on. If your account is used without your permission (by a family member or a hacker), it is YOUR responsibility. Don't let others use your account for any reason.

  • Observing Rule-Breakers
    If someone refuses to obey the rules, ignore them. Mini-modding is not allowed. Do not try to correct them or enforce the rules, as this will just make the situation worse. Get evidence in the form of a screenshot or video, and then report it to us.

  • Terms and Conditions
    You must agree to the isoVerse Terms and Conditions to play on our Minecraft server, use our website, or interact with our Discord server (our "Services"). Engaging with our Services constitutes an acceptance of our terms.

  • Privacy Policy
    We go to extreme lengths to ensure your data is secure and protected. Our Services have been built from day one to be private and encrypted. Only our two senior leadership team members have access to user data, and all sensitive data is protected with SHA-512 encryption. Visit our Privacy Policy to learn more about how your data is used and protected while on our Services.

  • Staff Expectations
    Our Moderators and Admins are expected to follow the exact same rules as everyone else. In fact, they are held to a higher expectation and breaking any rule will usually result in harsher penalties than players. They are not given any abilities that let them cheat at the game, and all moderation activities are closely monitored by isoVerse leadership.

Last edited by joshwenke · 2 months ago

Chat & Messaging Learn how to communicate with the isoVerse community. Keep in touch with friends and stay connected while online and offline.


How do I chat?

One of the great things about isoVerse is the friendly community with which you can chat. To open your chat, press the T button and type a message. When you've typed your message, press enter to send it. This will send your message in global chat, which can be seen from each server.

How do I use commands?

Commands are anything prefixed with a slash (/). For example, you can use a command to take you back to the isoVerse Hub. Just press T, type /hub, and press enter to run the command. You can watch the chat to see a response, which may be a success (green, gray, or blue) or error (red) message.
Some commands have arguments, which are a slot that you can fill with extra details. For example, if you want to send a private message to someone, you have to tell us two things: who you want to talk to and what you want to say. When you see /message [player] [message], that means you could use /message Notch Hello there to the phrase "Hello there" to Notch. If an argument has square brackets [like this example], the argument is required and the command will not work without an argument. Other arguments that have parentheses are optional, and the command can work with or without the argument.

How do I see who is online?

Press the tab button on your keyboard to show the list of online players. You will see the server they are on, and the primary rank they have. If someone is annoying you, use /ignore [player] to toggle ignoring all chat messages from them.

How can I chat privately with someone?

You can have a one-on-one conversation that is just between you and someone else by using /message [player] [message]*. You can chat with anyone who is online, and use /message [player]* to toggle sending all your regular chat messages to that player as a private message. You can quickly reply to your last message with /reply [message]**.

Please note: * You can replace /message with /msg or /m. ** You can replace /reply with /r.

You can send another player /mail when they aren't online. To get started use /mail new. A mail notification will show in chat when a message is available.


If you have donated to the server you are able to give yourself a custom nickname, and stand out from everyone else on the server. You can find out which ranks are able to do this by looking at the Ranks & Perks page.

Please note: All nicknames are monitored and will need to be requested and then approved by staff, this is to ensure that we keep the chat family friendly at all times.

Requesting a nickname

To request a nickname you first need to ensure you have donated to the server and have the appropriate rank, then use /nickname request <Nickname>. Once your nickname has been requested you will get a notification advising you, and the staff team will be able to review this and either accept or deny your request.

Activating & Deactivating nicknames

To activate/dectivate a nickname you can either use the /nickname list command to manage your nicknames or use /nickname activate <id> & /nickname deactivate <id>.

In order to use the two commands you will need to know the nickname id, which you can obtain from using the list command.

Removing Nicknames

To remove a nickname you can use /nickname remove <id>. This will allow you to delete the nickname.

You will need to know the id of the nickname you want to delete, and this can be obtained from using the nickname list command.

Please note: Once a nickname is deleted it cannot be restored and will be permanently deleted.

How do I make my messages colorful?

Using color codes, you can add color to your chat messages, signs, and nicknames. A color code is a two-digit prefix that makes all text following it a certain color. The Elite rank can use color codes and formatting in global chat. The Pro rank can use HEX codes to pick any color they want. Everyone can use color codes in private messages and group chats.

Color codes

  • &4
    Dark Red
  • &c
  • &6
  • &e
  • &2
    Dark Green
  • &a
  • &b
  • &3
    Dark aqua
  • &1
    Dark blue
  • &9
  • &d
  • &5
  • &f
  • &7
  • &8
    Dark Gray
  • &0

Formatting codes

  • &l
  • &m
  • &n
  • &o
  • &r

HEX codes

  • &#123456

Last edited by Blacktane · 8 days ago


Global Perks
All Perks below work across all over isoVerse's servers.
Perk Default Hero Ultra Titan Elite Pro
Warps 3 5 15 25 50
Homes 3 5 15 25 50
Cosmetic kits

Starter, Fighter, Farmer

Engineer, Candle Fisherman, Designer, Demolitionist, Woodworker Florist, Bucket, Enchanter Alchemist, Archer, Music Vaulables
Sitting Features Sit in Chairs Sit on anything Crawl & Lay Ride Players, Spin & Bellyflop All Features
Life boost spells 1 2 5 10
Custom Nickname ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Coloured Nickname ✔️ ✔️
Change Skin Ingame ✔️
Open Multiple Mystery Vaults at once ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Ride Pets ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Rename Pets ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Changing Cosmetic Cooldown ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
HEX colour in chat ✔️

Gadget Cooldowns

✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Auto Claim Rewards ✔️
Ride Mobs ✔️ ✔️
Create Colourful Signs ✔️ ✔️
Portable Ender Chest ✔️ ✔️
Mystery Vault Animations ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Weekly Rewards 1 ⭐Mystery Box & 500 XP 2 ⭐Mystery Box & 750 XP 3 ⭐Mystery Box & 1000 XP 4 ⭐Mystery Box & 1500 XP 5 ⭐Mystery Box & 2000 XP
Discount off Cosmetics with isoBux 10% 20%
Portable Crafting Table ✔️
Warp Signs ✔️ ✔️
/top ✔️
Use All Animated hats ✔️

Survival Perks
All Perks below work across the Survival server.
Perk Default Hero Ultra Titan Elite Pro

Skyblock Perks
All Perks below work across the Skyblock server.
Perk Defualt Hero Ultra Titan Elite Pro

Creative Perks
All Perks below work across the Creative server.
Perk Default Hero Ultra Titan Elite Pro
Number of Plots 1 2 4 6 10
Number of Plays that can be Added or Trusted to Plot 5 5 10 25 50
WorldEdit Perks Basic Commands Navigation, butcher, drain, extiguish, fall, fill, fixlava, fixwater, green, snow, thaw All Tools, replacenear, removenear, removebelow All Brushes, All Generation, All Regional Commands, masks, patterns, super pickaxe, transforms Schematics and Clipboards Navigation Commands through all servers.
Place Barriers ✔️
Adjust Fly & Walk Speeds ✔️ ✔️
Access the Freebuild World ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Last edited by Blacktane · about 1 month ago

Travel around the isoVerse network. Switch between servers, find a place to build, teleport to your home, visit other players, and warp to new areas.


How do I get around isoVerse?

You can open the /menu to see a list of servers. Just click on a server to teleport to it. To return to the central, safe location of the server you're on, type /spawn. Return to the Hub at any time with /hub. There are additional things to do on the menu including daily rewards, voting, support tickets, contests, your XP, and more.

Collect your daily rewards, find hidden rewards. Get the high score in the arcade. Gain information and get to know the isoVerse team.
Learn more
Survival Skyblock

Collect resource, build and survive in a classic Survival server with a stable economy. Set up a shop or rent land, gail skill levels and abilities. Help the townspeople of Argon with quests. Explore Argon, find a place to settle, and enjoy daily rotating trades, auctions, and drop parties.
Learn more

Survive from little resources stuck on an island floating in the void. Upgrade you generator, collect Shards, activate boosters and more. Team up with your friends to climb the top island leaderboard. Complete quests to earn isoBux and XP to level up your island.
Learn more
Creative Parkour
A Blank 99 by 99 block canvas to build to your hearts content, build by yourself or invite you friends for extra help. Use WorldEdit to speed up your build projects, take part in monthly contest to receive exclusive prizes, ranging from isoBux to free ranks.
Learn more
Jump your way through parkour course designs for all skill levels. Achieve checkpoints, but be speedy to achieve a spot of the leaderboard. Challenge others to race on a course to see who's fastest. Earn Legendary Crates for completing courses.
Learn more

How do I start building?

Each one of our servers is unique. Just type /build on any of them to start building. On Survival, you will be sent to a random spot in the wilderness, where you'll be safe for a few seconds. On Skyblock it will prompt you to create a new Island (if you already have one, type /is). On Creative you will be sent to a new Plot (if you already have one, type /plot). On Parkour you will start playing the practice course.

How can I visit my friends?

The best part of isoVerse is playing with friends. To teleport to someone, just type /tp [player]. If you have an incoming teleport request, you'll need to accept it before anyone will move. If you want to teleport someone to your location, use /tphere [player]. If you don't want to be bothered by teleport requests, type /tptoggle to toggle them off.

How do I return home?

If you're not in a Spawn, you can create a home with /sethome (name). Return to it at any time with /home (home). If you purchase a rank you can have multiple homes: list them all with /homes. To delete a home location, use /delhome (name).

How can I set up a warp?

Warps are a great way to have others be able to visit your creation in Survival, Creative, or Skyblock. Just type /warp to open the menu. You will be able to create a new warp or manage an existing one. You can also filter to see public warps created by others (new warps are public by default). Use /warp [name] to quickly teleport to one. Get the Titan rank to create warp signs. Just place a sign and put [warp] as the first line, then fill the rest of the sign with the name of the warp. Include how you would run the command, with the warp owner's name, a period, and the warp name. You may need to fill multiple lines on the sign.

Last edited by joshwenke · 2 months ago

Collect your daily rewards, find hidden rewards. Get the high score in the arcade. Gain information and get to know the isoVerse team.

Arcade Minigames

Where is the Arcade located?

Head straight out of the spawn past the mystery box fountain and down the stairs into the harbour, then follow the habour walls round to the right until you see the arcade sign.

Spleef can be player with two or more players. The game can run from anywhere from a few seconds or a few minutes but beware the floor will start to melt after a period of time. The objective of spleef to to break the blocks underneath your opponents before they break the blocks underneath you.

8-Ball is a call shot game played with a cue ball and fifteen object balls, made from wool and teracotta. One player must pocket balls of the group made out of wool, while the other player has the balls made of teracotta. The player pocketing his group first and then legally pocketing the 8-ball, made from black wool, wins the game.

In the game of Snake, the player uses the WASD or equivilent keys to make a Snake around the board. As the snake finds food, it eats it and thereby grows larger by adding a block to its tail. The game ends when the snake either hits the edge of the board or hits itself. The goal is to make the snake as large as possible before that happens.

Punch the Football, Slime, into the oppositions goal before they score in your goal. The team with the highest score wins.

Players take turns to drop blocks into the grid, starting in the middle or at the edge to stack your coloured blocks upwards, horizontally, or diagonally. Use stratergy to block opponents while aiming to be the first player to get four in a row to win.

Minesweeper is a game where mines are hidden in a grid of squares. Safe squares have numbers telling you how many mines touch the square, either next to or diagonally. You can use the number clues to solve the game by opening of the safe squares. If you click on a mine you lose the game!

2048 is a puzzle game where you slide numbered tiles on a board to merge them, The goal is to create a tile with the number 2048, however the game does not end till you run out of moves or quit.

The task for the player is to hit eight randomly appearing moles that surface from holes. The person with the highest score wins.

Last edited by Blacktane · 13 hours ago
Collect resource, build and survive in a classic Survival server with a stable economy. Set up a shop or rent land, gail skill levels and abilities. Help the townspeople of Argon with quests. Explore Argon, find a place to settle, and enjoy daily rotating trades, auctions, and drop parties.

Earning & spending money

Check your /balance to see how much money you have. Earn money in the /spawn by selling items to the traders or complete quests in Imber. Check the top balances with /balancetop, and send money to a friend with /pay [player] [amount]. Money can be used to buy items from the traders or purchase land claims (see below).

Completing quests

Click on any of the townspeople in Imber to talk to them and participate in their quests. Type /quests to see your progress and completed quests. If you have a compass in your inventory while chatting with an NPC, it will be updated to point in the direction of your next step in the quest. When you finish a quest, you may get items, money, or isoVerse XP. You can repeat most quests every week to maximize your rewards.

Claiming land

Keep your house safe with a land claim. Type /claim this will make the chunk you are standing in yours. Once the claim is created, you will see a visual outline of its borders. To see the border again use /lands view. View all claims on the online map.
Type /lands to open the menu to change settings, trust or untrust players in your own claim. 

Selling items in a shop

Create a chest shop to buy and sell items with other players.
View a list of other shops with /shops 
You can create up to 20 chest shops, or get a rank to create up to 100. It's easy to make a chest shop:

  1. Place a chest in a land claim you own (see above for instructions)
  2. Hold the item(in the quantity) you want to sell 
  3. Look at the chest and type /shop create <price>

A sign with the information will appear on the chest.
Simply open the chest to refill it.

When you are done, other players can buy the item and you will receive money for it. 
To change what you are selling:
/shop item
Change the item of the shop.
/shop price <price>
Change the buy/sell price of the item.

Trading items and money

To make a deal with another player, type /trade [player]. A trade is a safe environment where you both can place items you want to swap, and specify an amount of money if you desire. Once both players lock in the trade, the items are moved automatically. If you don't want to receive trade requests, use /tradetoggle.

Skipping the night

The night time can be dangerous with monsters roaming around. If one-third (33% or greater) of the players online in Survival sleep in a bed, the time will quickly switch to day. A message at the top of the screen will indicate the amount of players needed to sleep.

PvPing with others

To test out your weapons and armor, enable PvP mode with /pvp. If two players have this enabled, they will be able to fight in the wilderness. On combat death you will not lose your items or experience points.

Improving your Skills

Skills provide a fun RPG-like way to advance your skills and abilities. Type /skills to view the menu where you can view your stats, power levels, abilities, and more. Improve your Skills just by doing actions that match that skill's category, including: Acrobatics, Archery, Axes, Swords, Unarmed, Excavation, Fishing, Herbalism, Mining, Woodcutting, Alchemy, Repair, Taming, Salvage, and Smelting.

Mana abilities are active abilities that consume mana when used.


Name Skill Description



Replants crops automatically for a certain duration. Right click with a hoe and break a crop to activate. Works with wheat, carrots, potatoes, nether wart, and beetroot.



Breaks entire trees instantly for a certain duration. Right-click with an axe and break a log to activate. The algorithm is not final and will be improved later on to work perfectly with all tree types.

Speed Mine


Gives Haste 10 for a certain duration. Right-click with a pickaxe and break stone or an ore to activate.

Sharp Hook


Deal damage to a hooked entity when left-clicking with a fishing rod.



When digging, break connected blocks instantly in a 4 block radius horizontally for a duration. Right click shovel and dig block to activate.

Charged Shot


Arrows you shoot will deal more damage based on how far the bow was pulled back, consuming mana in the process. Does more damage per mana consumed. Left click a bow to toggle charged shot mode.



Incoming damage will decrease mana by 2x Minecraft damage instead of your health. Mana will not regenerate while Absorption is active. Left click shield and take damage to activate.

Lightning Blade


Increases attack speed by a percent for a duration. Right click sword and attack entity to activate.

Custom Enchantments

We have over 100 custom enchantments to give you an upper edge in PvP battles, mining, and everyday tasks.

These custom enchantments range in 5 categories:

  • Simple
  • Unique
  • Elite
  • Ultimate
  • Legendary
  • Fabled

Simple Rarity Enchantments  

Enchantment Description Applies To Max Level
Strike Chance to strike lightning. Swords, Bows, Crossbows, Tridents III
Aquatic Breathe underwater. Helmets I
Smelting Chance to smelt mined blocks. Pickaxes III
Experience Chance to get more experience from ores. Tools V
Hasten Chance to gain haste after breaking blocks. Tools III
Rebreather Chance to regain air. Pickaxes II
Glowing Gives permanent night vision. Helmets I
Decapitation Chance to have opponents head drop on death. Swords, Axes III
Forcefield Chance to push away your opponent. Swords V
Epicness Gives particles and sound effects. Swords III
Death Punch Increases damage dealt to zombies. Swords, Axes V
Bone Crusher Increases damage dealt to skeletons. Swords, Axes III

Unique Rarity Enchanments

Enchantment Description Applies To Max Level
Replanter Replants crops when you break them. Hoes I
Famine A Chance to give you opponent the hunger effect. Weapons IV
Berserk Chance of strength and mining fatigue Swords, Axes V
Reflect Absorb enemy damage and reflect it back. Armour V
Ward A Chance to absorb enemy damage. Armour IV
Explosive Chance for arrows to explode. Bows V
Frenzy Chance for arrows to explode. Crossbows V
Featherweight Chance to get a burst of haste. Swords, Axes III
Molten Chance of setting your attacker ablaze. Armour IV
Ravenous Chance to regain hunger while fighting. Swords, Axes IV
Telepathy Automatically places blocks broken by tools in your inventory. Tools IV
Explosive Demise Summon creepers as your guards when near death. Leggings VIII
Slayer Increases damage dealt to passive mobs. Swords, Axes IV
Hunter Increases damage dealt to passive mobs. Bows, Crossbows, Tridents IV
Soulless Increases damage dealt to hostile mobs Bows, Crossbows, Tridents IV
Virus A Chance of giving poison effect. Bows, Crossbows, Tridents III
Perish A chance to give the wither effect. Bows, Crossbows, Tridents V
Devour Chance to restore food while killing mobs. Weapons III

Elite Rarity Enchanments

Enchantment Description Applies To Max Level
Impact Chance to double dealt damage. Tridents IV
Poisoned Hook Posions the hook. Fishing Rods III
Fire Hook The hook is on fire. Fishing Rods III
Vein Miner Mine entire an entire vein of ores. Pickaxes III
Ender Slayer Increases damage dealt to enderman and ender dragons. Weapons V
Immolate Increases damage dealt to spiders. Swords, Axes III
Hook Get more experience from fishing. Fishing Rods III
Snap Pull hit entity towards you. Fishing Rods III
Reaper A chance to give your opponent the wither and blindness effects while dealing damage. Axes IV
Nether Slayer Increase damge dealt to nether mobs. Weapons V
Blind A chance of causing blindness when attacking. Swords III
Allure Your attack pulls mobs towards you. Swords III
Frozen can cause slowness to attacker when defending. Armour III
Paralyze Gives lightning effect and a chance for slowness and slow swinging Swords, Axes IV
Poison A chance of giving the poison effect. Swords, Axes III
Poisoned Chance to give poison to your attacker. Armour IV
Reforged Protects weapons and tools durability, items will take longer to break. Weapons, Tools X
Snare Chance to slow and fatigue enemies with projectiles. Bows IV
Springs Gives jump boost. Boots III
Undead Ruse When hit you have a chance to spawn zombie hordes to distract and disorient your opponents. Boots X
Voodoo Gives a chances to deal weakness. Armour VI
Wither A chance to give the wither effect. Armour V
Smoke Bomb When you are near death, you will spawn a smoke bomb to distract your enemies. Helmets VIII
Infernal Explosive fire effect. Swords, Axes III
Extinguish Chance to extinguish yourself when on fire. Leggings III
Shockwave Chance to push back your attacker when your health is low. Chestplates V
Vampire A chance to heal you for up to 3HP a few seconds after you strike. Swords III
Greatsword Multiplies damage against players who are wielding a bow at the time they are hit. Swords V
Bowmaster Multiples damage against players who are wielding a sword at the time they are hit. Bows, Crossbows, Tridents V
Rocket Escape Blast off into the air at low HP. Boots III
Trickster When hit you have a chance to teleport directly behind your opponent. Armour VIII
Curse A chance to geive your enemy mining fatigue. Armour II
Momentum Chance to gain speed boosts with fireworks. Elytras III
Marksman Increases damage dealt with crossbows. Crossbows IV
Poseidon Increases damage dealt with tridents. Tridents IV
Replenish Chance to restore food while mining Pickaxes III
Missile Arrows turn into fireballs. Crossbows V
Critical Increase damage done with critical hits. Swords III
Spark Light opponents on fire. Tridents III
Blunt Force Chance to strike with great force. Axes IV
Suspend Chance to cause no knockback to mobs. Swords III
Nightwalker Freeze mobs at night. Swords III
Magnet Your attack pulls players towards you. Swords III

Ultimate Rarity Enchanments

Enchantment Description Applies To Max Level
Harvest Chance to harvest in 3x3 area. Hoes IX
Auto Reel Automatically reels in the rishing rod when it gets a bite. Fishing Rods IV
Planter Plant seeds in a 3x3 area by shift+right-clicking. Hoes III
Potato Planter Plant potatoes in a 3x3 area by shift+right-clicking. Hoes III
Carrot Planter Plant carrots in a 3x3 area by shift+right-clicking. Hoes III
Jelly Legs Chance to negate fall damage. Boots III
Sharpness Hook Deal damage with the hook. Fishing Rods IX
Lucky Chance to increase luck while fishing. Fishing Rods III
Permafrost Chance to slow and bleed opponents. Swords V
Timber Chance to break a tree in one hit. Axes III
Distance Chance to distance yourself from your enemies and gain regeneration. Weapons Iv
Cleave Damages players within a radius that increases with the level of enchant. Axes VII
Ambit Damages mobs within a radius that increases with the level of enchant. Swords, Axes VII
Angelic Heal when damaged. Armour V
Arrow Deflect Chance to prevent enemy armour from dealing damage. Armour IV
Arrow Break Chance for arrows to bouce off you while holding an item with this enchant. Axe VI
Diminish Chance to give your enemy mining fatigue. Axes I
Interrupt Chance to give your enemy mining fatigue. Swords II
Exalted A chance of removing bad potion effects. Swords IV
Ragdoll Chance to be pushed back when getting hit. Armour IV
Block A chance to negate an attack and deal up to 4 damage back. Swords III
Trench Chance to break in a 3x3 area. Pickaxes, Shovels IX
Dodge Chance to doge physical enemy, chance increases when sneaking. Armour V
Guardians A chance to spawn iron golems to assist you and watch over you. Armour X
Ice Aspect A Chance of causing the slowness effect on your enemy. Swords III
Reinforced Reduces Damage dealt to you. Elytra IV
Implants Chance to restore food every few seconds. Helmets III
Obsidianshield Gives permanent fire resistance. Armour I
Piercing Inflicts more damage. Bows V
Archer Increases damage dealt with bows. Bows IV
Safeguard Chance to gain damage resistance when defending. Armour II
Disappear Chance to become invisible when low on health. Armour IV
Confuse Chance to give nausea affect. Swords Iv
Disintegrate Chance to deal extra durablility damage to all enemy armour with every attack. Swords IV
Shatter Chance to deal extra durability damage to all enemy armour with every attack. Axes IV
Heavy Decreases damage from enemy bows by 2% per level. Armour V
Longbow Greatly increases damage dealt to enemy players that have a bow in their hands. Bow IV
Tank Chance to decrease damage from enemy axes by 2% per level. Armour IV
Swordsman Chance to reduce incoming damage while wielding a sword by up to 22% at max level. Armour V
Netherling Double damage to mobs in the nether. Swords III
Endmaster Double damage to mobs in the end. Swords III
Creeper Armour Chance to be immune to explosive damage, at higher levels you have a chance to heal. Armour III
Spirits Chance to spawn guard blazes. Armour X
Bleed Make your opponent bleed. Axes VI
Immolation Set all mobs in radius on fire. Swords III
Striker Rains arrows over opponent. Bows III
Sniper Headshots with bows deal double damage. Bows V
Aegis Chance to gain speed when taking fall damage. Boots III
Plummet Deal Damage to nearby mobs when taking fall damage. Boots III
Night Owl Deal more damage to mobs at night. Swords III
Fuddle Disorganize opponent's hotbar. Swords III

Legendary Rarity Enchanments

Enchantment Description Applies To Max Level
Twinge Make your enemy bleed, if hit using melee attack. Tridents IV
Wings Allows levitation on right-click every 30 seconds. Boots I
Beastslayer Increases damage dealt to hostile mobs. Swords, Axes IV
Bait Chance to receive double fishing drops. Fishing Rods III
Hardened Chance to recover durability when damaged by players. Armour III
Patch Chance to recover durability when damaged by mobs. Armour III
Fumble Chance to explode enemies when hit by their arrows. Chestplates III
Turmoil Chance to prevent opponents guards from spawning Armour III
Rebound Gain some health back after kills. Weapons III
Thunderlord Strike monsters with lightning every 3 consecutive hits. Weapons III
Lava Walker Walk on lava. Boots I
Water Walker Walk on water. Boots I
Aqua Deal double damage while in water. Boots IV
Judgement Chance of poisoning opponent and gaining regeneration. Elytras V
Divert Chance of poisoning opponent and gaining regeneration. Armour V
Unholy Defend with weakness and wither effects. Armour V
Chaos Deal weakness and wither effects. Tridents V
Convulse Chance to throw your attackers into the air. Boots VI
Chunky Chance to receive less damage. Chestplates VI
Barbarian Chance to inflicts more axe damage. Axes IV
Lucid Chance to cure blindness and gain night vision when hit. Armour III
Double Strike A chance to strike twice. Swords III
Gears Added speed when equipped. Boots III
Inflame Set all players in a radius on fire. Axes III
Kill Aura Chance to kill multiple monsters in a radius. Swords V
Inquisitive Chance to increase experience drops from mobs.
Swords IV
Lifesteal A chance to steal health when attacking. Swords V
Overload Unlocks additional hearts. Armour III
Armored Decreases damage from enemy swords by 2% per level. Armour IV
Blacksmith Repair your weapon in exchange for dealing less damage. Axe V
Abiding Weapons with this enchantment become more unbreakable. Weapons I
Disarmor Chance of unequipping random armour piece from your opponent. Sword VIII
Deadshot Headshots with tridents deal double damage. Tridents V
Strife Increases trident melee damage. Tridents III
Launch Launch yourself by right-clicking.
 Swords III
Slingshot Boost yourself into flight by right-clicking. Elytras III
Deranged Strike at nearby players Swords III

Fabled Rarity Enchanments

Enchantment Description Applies To Max Level
Gemify Chance for an ore block to turn into it's block. Pickaxe I
Haste Allows you to swing your tools faster. Tools III
Restore Upon breaking, item has a chance to lose this enchantment and repair half of its durability. Tools IV
Immortal Chance to prevent your armour from taking durability. Armour IV
Unbreakable Tools with this enchantment become unbreakable. Tools I
Soulbound A chance to keep item on death. Weapons, Tools, Bows III
Neutralize Chance to disarm opponent. Bow, Crossbows II
Disarm Chance to disarm opponent. Swords III
Phoenix Chance to revive yourself when killed. Chestplates III
Scare Chance to replace your opponents helmet to a pumpkin for short time. Weapons V
Nulify Chance to deal double damage while leaving blind. Costs 40 sould per activation. Weapons IV
Rush Chance of speed boost when taking off with elytra. Costs 10 souls per activation. Elytras III
Diploid Chance to multiply mob drops. Costs 5 souls per activation. Swords V
Multiplication Chance to multiple ore drops. Costs 5 souls per activation. Pickaxes V
Spiritmaster Chance to get more soul from killing players. Swords III
Axe of Spirits Chance to get more souls from killing players. Axes III
Soulminer Chance to get souls by mining. Requires soul tracker too. Pickaxes III
Soulgrind Chance to get souls by killing mobs. Requires soul tracker too. Swords III

Last edited by joshwenke · 2 months ago
Survive from little resources stuck on an island floating in the void. Upgrade you generator, collect Shards, activate boosters and more. Team up with your friends to climb the top island leaderboard. Complete quests to earn isoBux and XP to level up your island.

Creating an Island

Each player can have their own Island, or they can become a member of someone else's. Type /is to open the Island menu. This menu shows many of the options and features of Skyblock. If you don't yet have an Island, you'll be prompted to create one. Open the menu at any time to return home by clicking the bed, or type /is home.

Surviving with a few items

The first thing to do is open your chest. Inside you will find a handful of items to help you get started. Place a torch so monsters won't spawn. Use the pickaxe and break the cobblestone (between the water and lava) to generate more cobblestone and ores. Begin growing wheat and expanding your Island.

Working with friends

Working together with others is a quick way to grow your Island. You can invite someone with /is invite [player] to become a member of your Island (as long as they don't have their own Island). Members can be given certain permissions, promoted or demoted, and help complete missions and challenges. If someone who is already a member of another Island wants to help build, you can trust them with /is trust [player] to give them building permissions only. To teleport to your friends, see our navigation page.

Upgrades and Boosters

To truly expand your Island you will want to purchase upgrades with /is upgrades. Increase your building radius, invite more members, place extra hoppers and pistons, and unlock better ores that will spawn in your cobblestone generator. You can also use boosters with /is boosters which give a limited-time boost to crop growth, mob spawning, experience gain, or even fly mode! Boosters and upgrades can be purchased with Crystals.

Earning Crystals and EXP

Earn Crystals by completing missions and challenges, or selling items to the /is shop, to buy boosters and upgrades. New missions will show up daily, so make sure to log in each day to maximize your earnings. Challenges can be completed once, and although they are harder they have much higher rewards. You will also earn EXP, which can help level-up your Island, when you'll earn more Crystals and also XP. Check your EXP progression with /is exp.

Giving friends more permission

When you invite someone (and they accept), they'll become a Member of your Island. Promote them to a higher rank with /is promote [player]. Use /is permissions to decide what features each rank can use:

  • Visitor – Anyone who has not joined your Island. They do not have any permission.
  • Member – Can build and open chests by default.
  • Elder – Can invite other players and ban visitors.
  • Leader – Can change permissions, promote, and demote.
  • Owner – Can delete the Island. The original Island creator is the Owner, but you can transfer ownership with /is transfer [player].

Visiting the Nether and End

Each Island has a Nether and End Island that is only accessible when you build a portal. Build basalt generators in the Nether to generate netherrack and other ores. As you purchase higher levels of the Ore Generator upgrade, the basalt generator will give better ores as well (nether quartz, nether gold, glowstone, and ancient debris).

Trading items with the townspeople

Type /spawn to visit the SkyBlock spawn, where you can find a dozen townspeople willing to trade with you. You'll start out with only the minimum essentials, but if you collect enough items you can trade for better ones.

Trading items with others

To make a deal with another player, type /trade [player]. A trade is a safe environment where you both can place items you want to swap. Once both players lock in the trade, the items are moved automatically. If you don't want to receive trade requests, use /tradetoggle.

Improving your Skills

Skills provide a fun RPG-like way to advance your skills and abilities. Type /skills to view the menu where you can view your stats, power levels, abilities, and more. Improve your Skills just by doing actions that match that skill's category, including: Acrobatics, Archery, Axes, Swords, Unarmed, Excavation, Fishing, Herbalism, Mining, Woodcutting, Alchemy, Repair, Taming, Salvage, and Smelting.

Mana abilities are active abilities that consume mana when used.


Name Skill Description



Replants crops automatically for a certain duration. Right click with a hoe and break a crop to activate. Works with wheat, carrots, potatoes, nether wart, and beetroot.



Breaks entire trees instantly for a certain duration. Right-click with an axe and break a log to activate. The algorithm is not final and will be improved later on to work perfectly with all tree types.

Speed Mine


Gives Haste 10 for a certain duration. Right-click with a pickaxe and break stone or an ore to activate.

Sharp Hook


Deal damage to a hooked entity when left-clicking with a fishing rod.



When digging, break connected blocks instantly in a 4 block radius horizontally for a duration. Right click shovel and dig block to activate.

Charged Shot


Arrows you shoot will deal more damage based on how far the bow was pulled back, consuming mana in the process. Does more damage per mana consumed. Left click a bow to toggle charged shot mode.



Incoming damage will decrease mana by 2x Minecraft damage instead of your health. Mana will not regenerate while Absorption is active. Left click shield and take damage to activate.

Lightning Blade


Increases attack speed by a percent for a duration. Right click sword and attack entity to activate.

PvP-ing with others

To test out your weapons and armor, enable PvP mode with /pvp. If two players have this enabled, they will be able to fight. On combat death you will not lose your items or experience points.

All SkyBlock commands

You can use most options from the /is menu, but some advanced users may want to use commands:

Command Description
/is ban (player) Ban a player from entering your Island, or view a list of banned players
/is bank View your Island's Crystals and EXP
/is biome (biome) Change the biome of your Island (Elite rank required)
/is boosters View and purchase boosters which give your Island a temporary boost
/is border (color) Change the border color to red, green, blue, or off (default). (Ultra+ rank required)
/is create Create a new Island if you don't have one already
/is delete Permanently delete your Island, Crystals, EXP, inventory, and start completely from scratch (you can only do this once per week)
/is demote [player] Decrease a player's rank on your Island
/is exp Check your Island's level and how much EXP is needed to level-up
/is expel (player) Kick a guest off your Island or view visitors
/is fly Enable fly-mode after activating the Flight Booster
/is home Teleport to your Island
/is info View information about your Island
/is invite (player) Invite someone to become a Member, or view a list of pending invites
/is join [player] Accept another player's invitation to join their Island
/is kick [player] Remove a Member from your Island
/is leave Leave the Island you were invited to
/is logs View recent activity including invites, boosters and upgrade purchases, and rewards claimed
/is members See a list of Members who have joined your Island, and promote/demote/kick if needed
/is missions View daily missions and challenges
/is permissions Change specific actions allowed by each rank
/is private Prevent your Island from showing up in the visit list
/is promote [player] Increase a player's rank on your Island
/is public Show your Island on the visit list (Islands are public by default)
/is rename [name] Identify your Island by a custom name instead of your username (Titan+ rank required)
/is rewards Claim Crystals, EXP, and isoVerse XP earned from missions, challenges, and leveling up your Island
/is sethome Change the location of your Island home (used when you return home and when others visit)
/is shop Sell excess items for Crystals
/is top View the best Islands in isoVerse (calculated by rare blocks placed and Island level)
/is transfer (player) Make another member of your Island the owner
/is trust (player) Give building permissions to someone who isn't invited, or view a list of trusted players
/is unban [player] Un-ban someone who was previously banned from visiting your Island
/is uninvite [player] Revoke an invitation given to join your Island before it's accepted
/is untrust [player] Revoke building permissions from a trusted player
/is upgrades View and purchase Island upgrades
/is visit Teleport to any public Island

Last edited by joshwenke · 2 months ago
A Blank 99 by 99 block canvas to build to your hearts content, build by yourself or invite you friends for extra help. Use WorldEdit to speed up your build projects, take part in monthly contest to receive exclusive prizes, ranging from isoBux to free ranks.

Building on a Plot

When you first join Creative, you will be teleported to a new plot: a patch of grass, size 99x99 blocks, bedrock to the sky, where you can build anything you want. Return to your plot with /plot home. If you want to claim a different plot, you can use /plot delete while standing on your current plot and then fly to a specific plot and claim it with /plot claim or claim a random plot with /plot auto. Each player gets one plot for free. You can upgrade your rank to unlock additional plots. 

Teleporting Between Plots

Each plot has an ID, which you can view with /plot info while standing on it. See a list of all plots in isoVerse with /plot list all, or use /plot list mine to view a list of plots that you own. As a Hero+, you can set a /plot alias that others can use instead of a plot ID. Use /plot visit to teleport to any one of them. You also can set your home or create a warp for quicker access.

Working with Friends

Teamwork is important, especially on large projects. You can allow others players to build on your plot with /plot add [player], which will give them building permissions only while you are online on the Creative server. If you trust them and want to let them build even when you're offline, you can use /plot trust [player] to give them even more freedom. To remove an added player, use /plot kick [player]. If a player is being particularly annoying, as a Titan+ you can prevent them from even entering your plot with /plot deny [player]. You can view a list of players added to the plot with /plot info.

Participating in Contests

Every month there is a contest that you can join. The details will be posted to our Discord server, including the requirements, prizes, and method to submit your entry. To see the current state of the contest in-game, use /contest. You can view a list of entries and teleport to them with /contest list, and if it is voting time you will be able to vote for an entry by clicking on it.

To go to the contest plot use /contest world. The plot will be automatically be claimed by you.

To clear your contest plot use /plot clear then use /plot confirm

Changing the weather, time, biome, and more

Things like plot weather, time, biome, and other properties are flags, and can be modified with the /plot flag menu. Titan+ are able to set a wide variety of flags, and Elites can set almost any flag. These flags allow you to let random players click on buttons, change the gamemode of players entering your plot, prevent snow from melting, prevent item drops, and much more. Use /plot flag list to see a list of available flags, and /plot flag set [flag] [value] to update a flag's value. You can view a list of flags applied to the plot with /plot info.

Feature Command Default Hero Ultra Titan Elite
Included plots /plot claim 1 2 3 4 5
Fix lighting issues on your plot /plot relight
Set your plot home /plot sethome
Use a plot alias instead of ID /plot alias set [alias]
Set your plot description /plot desc [text]
Teleport to the plot's center /plot middle
Unlink merged plots /plot unlink
Merge nearby plots together /plot merge
Set your plot biome /plot biome [biome]
Prevent people from entering /plot deny [player]
Play music while on your plot /plot music
Set plot flags (see below) /plot flag

Plot flags for Titans: break, crop-grow, disable-physics, entity-change-block, forcefield, lectern-read-book, music, place, time, use, vehicle-break, vehicle-place, vehicle-use, weather
Plot flags for Elites: gamemode, instabreak, no-worldedit, notify-enter, notify-leave, titles (and all Titan flags)

Using WorldEdit

Placing each block by hand can be difficult. Use WorldEdit to make that work easier, as well as being able to generate geometric shapes and use other useful building utilities. For help using WorldEdit, just search the internet for "WorldEdit tutorial". For detailed information about each of the commands listed below, click here for an explanation.

Feature Command Default Hero Ultra Titan Elite
Get distribution of blocks in a selection //distr
Perform math calculations //calc
Use the clipboard //copy//paste//cut//flip//rotate
Change blocks in selection //set//faces//walls
Change history //undo//redo//rollback
Modify your selection //wand//contract//expand//hpos//inset//outset//shift//size
View information on items //searchitem//nbtinfo
Modify liquids //drain//fixlava//fixwater
Modify terrain //extinguish//green//fall//fill
Easy navigation //ascend//descend//jump//thru//unstuck//up
Terrain generation //flora//forest//snow//thaw
Advanced region operations //move//replace//stack//remove//removeabove//removebelow//replacenear
Use tools //tool
Use brushes //brush
Generate forests, pumpkins, images, ores //generate
Use masks and super pickaxe //mask//sp
Save clipboard to a schematic //schematic

Last edited by joshwenke · 2 months ago
Jump your way through parkour course designs for all skill levels. Achieve checkpoints, but be speedy to achieve a spot of the leaderboard. Challenge others to race on a course to see who's fastest. Earn Legendary Crates for completing courses.

What is parkour?

Parkour is a real sport of running and jumping around obstacles. The Parkour server takes Minecraft parkour to a new level. With several courses of varying difficulty, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

How do I join a course?

The courses are visible around the /spawn. Walk up to a course and jump in the portal to start playing. Courses vary in difficulty from super easy to super hard.

What do I do while in a course?

Jump, sneak, sprint, and run across the obstacles to get to the end. Make sure to step on the gold pressure plates, which are checkpoints. In case you fall or get stuck, just click on the gold pressure plate in your inventory to respawn at your last unlocked checkpoint. Click on the green dye to toggle seeing other players, which might help you concentrate. Click on the yellow end portal to leave and return to the spawn. Click the TNT to completely restart from the beginning and reset all your progress.

What is Infinite Parkour?

A new gamemode on the Parkour server, Infinite Parkour gives you a private lobby where you can jump as far as you can go! Type /ip to open the Infinite Parkour menu and join your lobby, or spectate another person's lobby. View stats and leaderboards, and earn XP and crates while you play. Donate to get extra perks on Infinite Parkour:

  • Styles: change the types and groups of blocks that spawn in your parkour course
    • Everyone: red
    • Hero: green, blue, gray
    • Ultra: light blue, lime, cyan
    • Titan: quartz, purple, yellow, gray
    • Elite: end, nether, ocean, redstone, overworld
    • Pro: ores, wood, rainbow, glow
  • Leads: change the number of blocks that spawn ahead of you
    • Everyone: 5 leading blocks
    • Elite: able to change from 1 to 10 leading blocks
  • Particles: hide or show the particles that spawn around newly generated blocks
    • Everyone: particles shown
    • Titan: able to customize particles or hide them
  • Time: change the time of day
    • Everyone: day time
    • Ultra: change the time
  • Sound: change sound effects in Infinite Parkour
    • Everyone: sound included
    • Hero: able to turn off sounds

What rewards do I get for finishing a course?

If you reach the end of a course, no matter how many times you restarted from a checkpoint, you'll be given a crate and some isoVerse XP. Many courses offer Legendary crates for completion!

How do I get on the leaderboards?

Behind each course are the leaderboards. The top 10 players with the best time on each course are listed. While in a course, your time is shown on the scoreboard. Click the TNT while in a course to reset from the beginning and also reset your time to shoot for a better leaderboard time.

Last edited by joshwenke · 2 months ago

Update required


Stay in the loop, chat with the community, and link your account.


Why should I join the isoVerse Discord server?

Discord is a great place to meet the community and chat in real-time with staff and other players. On Discord you can get the latest announcements and updates, ask for help, and chat on our Minecraft server. Join with our invite link: https://isoVerse.net/discord.

How do I link my account?

When you link your Discord account with the Website, your ranks will sync automatically, you can access the server chat channel, and you get a Legendary crate in /rewards. To link your account, follow the steps below. If you need any help, please create a ticket.

  1. Sign up for the isoVerse website
    1. If you don't yet have a linked account on the isoVerse website, use /register [email] in-game to create one.
    2. Check your email and click the link from isoVerse to verify your account
    3. Create a strong password
    4. Click "Log In" to sign into your new account
  2. Link your Discord account
    1. Once logged into the website, click your name in the top-right and choose "Account"
    2. Click "Connections" in the sidebar menu
    3. Click "Connect" next to Discord.
    4. In the green message at the top, you will see a command to run. It starts with /verify and ends with numbers and letters. Copy this entire command, and paste it in the #link channel on our Discord server.
    5. Your account is now linked!

Last edited by joshwenke · 2 months ago

Needs update, include tiers too, or separate page?

XP & Levels 

Level-up to earn crates, coupons, level colors, and more.


What is XP?

Your level is the number shown next to your chat messages. Each player starts at level 1, and levels-up by earning XP. Each isoVerse server has unique ways to earn XP, and you can level-up faster if you log in each day. When you level-up, you'll earn crates, level colors, isoVerse store coupons, and XP boosts for everyone online.

Your level

Use /xp to see how much XP you currently have and how much is needed to level-up. Below you have the ability to change your level color. Simply click on a color and your level in chat will be changed to use the color you select. It becomes harder to level-up as you play more, but the rewards are much better for higher levels.

How to earn XP

Log in each day to maximize your rewards:

Claim daily /rewards
Get Pro for extra rewards
Gain /playtime
/vote for isoVerse
Complete /quests in Survival
Level-up your /island in Skyblock
Participate in /contests in Creative
Complete /parkour courses
Find hidden rewards in Hub, Survival, and Skyblock spawns
Unlock duplicate items from /crates
Participate in seasonal events and double XP bonuses
When you or others level-up

Rewards for leveling up

You'll earn a reward every time you level-up. Significant rewards shown below:

Level Reward
8 Store coupon
10 500 XP for everyone
15 White level color
20 Epic disguise crate
25 750 XP for everyone
30 Aqua level color
35 1000 XP for everyone
40 Green level color
43 1250 XP for everyone
45 Epic spell crate
50 Purple level color
55 Epic emoji crate
60 Blue level color
65 1500 XP for everyone
68 Epic trails crate
70 Orange level color
75 Epic pet crate
80 Yellow level color
83 Legendary spell crate
86 Legendary emoji crate
88 Legendary pet crate
90 Red level color
93 Legendary trails crate
95 1500 XP for everyone
97 Legendary disguise crate
100 Black level color

Last edited by joshwenke · 2 months ago


On isoVerse, we have a number of quests to challenge and occupy you. Currently, quest NPCs can be found in the Survival spawn, and there are a variety of types for you to try, such as mining, potion making, animals and more. Our aim has been to create challenges that will find appeal to different types of player - from the peaceful farmer, to the wild adventurer, to the aggressive fighter! 

Each Quest NPC contains a pool of 10 quests. When you click on the NPC one of these quests will be given to you.  You may only work on 1 quest at a time from each NPC but you may work on multiple quests.

Once each quest is complete, you can select another from that NPC. You can work on as many quests as you wish, but only 1 from each NPC. Once you have activated the quests from the NPC, you don't need to be in the spawn area to start a new quest, just use /quests and select one from the GUI. 

The BOOK shows any finished quests you have completed. You will receive a reward for each completed quest. 

The BOOK & QUILL will show any quests you are working towards. All quests can be worked in either the Build worlds or the Resource worlds.

A full 7 days after you selected your first quest from an NPC  you may repeat a quest.  As we are currently building our pools of quests, it is highly likely that you will receive a repeat of quests already chosen. It will be your choice whether to complete the challenge again.

You will be limited to only being able to work on 1 quest from any one pool. Once it is completed you will receive a reward, and you can start working on another quest. Some quests are time consuming, some are easy, and some could be VERY annoying! Choose carefully according to where you are in the game and what your skills are.   For some quests you are required to bring back items.  These will be returned to you as a reward as well as payment.

If you select a quest and later decide you want to cancel it, just select the quest in your /quests GUI and then select to cancel it. Only time will tell if you can come back and try again!

The quests from 1.20 were set as several stages with lots of conversation. Our new quests and simpler to follow, even if not all are simple to complete!

If there are any issues with any quests or have any ideas or improvements, then please create a TICKET or SUGGESTION.

Your feedback is always important to us.

Last edited by joshwenke · 2 months ago

Update needed

Crates Unlock a random cosmetic item to use throughout isoVerse.


What are crates?

Buy Crates Crates contain a random cosmetic item that you can use on every isoVerse server. Collect crates in many ways and open them with /crates. Crates have four rarities: Common, RareEpic, and Legendary. Common crates can be easily found, while Legendary crates are very difficult to find.

What rewards do crates give?

Crates will give a completely random cosmetic item. There are five categories of cosmetics: disguises, pets, trails, spells, and emoji. Visit the cosmetics page to learn more about each of them. If you unlock an item that you have already found, you'll receive XP instead.

How to earn Crates

Action Reward
Buy them at our store Common-Legendary
Claim daily /rewards Common-Epic, Legendary crate if you claim rewards every day for 28 days
Get Pro 5 Legendary and 5 Epic crates each month
Gain /playtime Common-Rare, Epic after 12 hours
/vote for isoVerse Common for voting on all sites; Legendary, Epic, Rare for being the top 1, 2, 3 voters of the month
/link your Discord account Epic
Participate in /contests in Creative Legendary crate for first place, various rewards for other places and participation
Complete /parkour courses Common-Legendary depending on course difficulty
Leveling up Common-Legendary depending on level
Find hidden rewards in Hub, Survival, and Skyblock spawns Common for first reward, Epic or Legendary for finding all of them
Complete each server's /tutorial Rare-Epic
Participate in seasonal events

Last edited by joshwenke · 2 months ago

Update needed


Colorful and fun items that make your isoVerse experience magical.


What are cosmetics?

Opening a crate will unlock a random cosmetic item that matches the rarity and category of the crate you opened. There are dozens of items to find within each rarity of each category of crate. Each cosmetic category has things that make it unique. The color of the cosmetic corresponds to its rarity.


Activate a disguise to turn yourself into any mob that you've unlocked. Type /d to view a list of disguises that are available, and type /d [mob] to disguise as one. Type /u to remove your active disguise. As an Ultra+ you can type /dvs (disguise view self) to toggle viewing your own disguise as you walk around. While disguised your action bar will notify you. If you've unlocked a baby disguise, use /d [mob] baby to use it. If you've unlocked a powered creeper, use /d creeper setPowered true to use it.


Enable a trail to have particles follow you around isoVerse. Type /trails to open the menu where you can choose and customize your trail. You can click on your head to toggle trail visibility for yourself, which will hide all trails on only your screen.

  • Top row: Active Trails (blaze powder): Click to view each active trail you have. You can click on a trail to edit its properties, click on the book to add an additional trail, or click on the barrier to remove all active trails. Want to use more than one trail at once? Upgrade your rank.
  • Top row: Trail Groups (chest and ender chest): Have a specific set of trails active that you want to save for later? Create a trail group to apply these same trails with one click. Donate to use this feature, and upgrade your rank to save more trail groups.
  • Bottom row: Activating trail effect, style, and data: Use these three options to edit your primary active trail. Unless you have multiple trails at once, this is an easy place to edit your trail settings:
  1. Effect: This is the look and design of the trail, including the particles used and colors of the effects. There are 77 different effects you can unlock by opening crates.
  2. Style: This is the way the particles move around you. Some styles only happen on certain events, like arrows, block break, block place, death, hurt, move, and swords. The other styles are applied all the time. Unlock styles with crates crates (excluding common). All players receive the normal style initially.
  3. Data: Some effects have different colors, block material, items, note block color, or vibration. Exclusively for Pro, customizing the data of your trail allows you make your trails even more unique and personalized. Pro subscribers unlock the block, dust, dust color transition, entity effect, falling dust, item, and note trail effects which all have customizable data.


A friendly mob that accompanies you around isoVerse. you can get pets by collecting crates. Common and Rare pet crates contain simple mobs, Epic and Legendary crates contain unique mobs. Type /pets to see the pets you have unlocked, then click into a category, and finally click on the pet to activate. If you have the Ultra+ rank, you can rename your pet with /pet rename [name].


Type /gadgets to activate a wide range of your collected gadgets including fun & games, mobs & NPCs, musical, projectile, visual, and movement-related items. Each gadget is unique and can only be used in the Hub and the /spawn of most servers. Click on a gadget to load it up, then use the click in your inventory to activate it. Once unlocked, you can use gadgets as many times as you like, with a cooldown between uses. Get the Pro rank to have a faster cooldown!


Equip each component of a /suit to gain a special effect while in an isoVerse spawn or the Hub. Become a frog, speedster, ice walker, necromancer, and more. You must collect all four pieces of the suit to achieve its special effect.


Collect all of the /hats to wear and show different emotions, wear a hamburger on your head, or the head of another mob. Get the Pro rank to unlock exclusive Animated Hats like a police siren, cookie head, rainbow slime, and rainbow block.


Add some sparkle to your chat messages with emoji. Type /emoji to view a list of emoji you have unlocked, and click on one to use it. Each emoji can be typed in chat using an exclamation mark followed by the name of the emoji. For example, to insert a heart into your sentence, type "I !heart you" which will appear as: "I ♥ you".


Add a bit of magic to your conversations and interactions with other players with /spells. These cosmetics are unique because they are consumable, and you unlock three at a time instead of one. Using a spell will broadcast a message and perform an action on either yourself, a specified player, or everyone on isoVerse. You can use a spell every 5 minutes, or get the Pro rank to wait only 1 minute. Note that spells can be used on every server, but the effects of some spells are limited to specific servers. For example, you will not receive /fly mode on Cake Wars or Parkour, since that would allow you to cheat. You can /slap another player and the message will display, but if they are on Cake Wars they will not be knocked back. When you activate spells that affect everyone, they only instantly affect people on the server they are on. So if someone activates /god mode, you will not receive invincibility if you switch to another server (and you will not receive invincibility in Cake Wars regardless). Each spell has its own command:

Spell Rarity Affects Command Description
Hug Common Player /hug [player] Hug another player and give them regeneration for 1 minute
Roll Eyes Common You /rolleyes Let the sarcasm flow and roll your eyes.
LOL Common You /lol Laugh out loud at something funny.
Stare Common Player /stare [player] Stare intensely at someone.
Dance Common You /dance Break out in a variety of dance styles.
Scuba Common Everyone /scuba Activate an underwater breathing apparatus for everyone. Applies potion of water breathing to everyone for 3 minutes.
Leap Common Everyone /leap Borrow some frog lets to jump very high. Applies potion of leaping to everyone for 3 minutes.
Firework Common You /firework Launch a fancy firework show from your location. An announcement is made and then the show starts shortly after.
Rocket Rare You /rocket Launch yourself high up into the skies.
Luck Rare You /luck Everything you do becomes luckier. Applies potion of luck for 3 minutes.
Frost Rare Player /frost [player] Make someone shiver and float up in the air.
Cry Rare You /cry Sob uncontrollably and let the tears flow.
Heal Rare Everyone /heal Replenish the health and hunger of everyone online.
Kiss Rare Player /kiss [player] Give someone a nice smooch. Applies potion of regeneration to them.
Blaze Rare Player /blaze [player] Ignite a fire underneath someone's feet.
Strength Rare Everyone /strength Give everyone a potion of strength for 3 minutes.
Quicksand Rare Player /quicksand [player] Make someone very slow for a bit. Applies potion of slowness.
Vision Rare Everyone /vision Give everyone night vision for 3 minutes.
Smite Epic Player /smite [player] Strike a lightning effect at another player.
Blind Epic Player /blind [player] Curse another player with brief blindness.
Umbrella Epic Everyone /umbrella Stop the bad weather in the world you're currently in.
Slap Epic Player /slap [player] Slap another player across their face, knocking them back a bit.
Taunt Epic Player /taunt [player] Provoke and tease someone scared to fight you.
XP Booster Epic Everyone /xpbooster Give everyone double isoVerse XP for 10 minutes.
Survival Money Booster Epic Everyone /moneybooster Everyone earns more money at the Survival shop for 10 minutes.
Throw Epic Player /throw [player] Throw someone into the ground.
Fly Legendary Everyone /fly Give everyone the power of flight for 3 minutes.
God Legendary Everyone /god Make everyone invincible to all damage for 3 minutes.
Punch Legendary Player /punch [player] Knock someone in the face so hard they fly up into the air.
Me Legendary You /me [message] Say a message in third person.

Skin change

Change your skin whenever you want with the Pro rank. Choose any player whose skin you'd like to copy and use /skin [player]. Use /skin clear to restore your skin back to normal. Change your skin to a custom image or base64 file with /skin url [URL]. When inserting the URL, you will want to find the image link rather than just the URL of the website where you're viewing the skin.

Morphs & Banners

Unlock /morphs and /banners when you attend official isoVerse events. Banners are usually given to attendees and morphs are given to winners of competitions. Usually you will win an exclusive banner that is unique to that event, so make sure to stay updated on our Website and Discord for the latest events!


Wear an /emote on your head to show some animated emotion. All of your favorite emoji that you use online is now coming right to your Minecraft character! Each hat animates and looks really fun from the perspective of other players.

Last edited by Blacktane · 8 days ago

isoVerse is a community of friendly people and we welcome everyone, but have high expectations for our players and require that they follow our rules.


What is isoVerse?

We are a Minecraft Server where players can join and have fun! We have six fun servers, a dedicated staff team, and a friendly community. There is a social aspect of working with friends to build a house, chop down trees, and isoVerse is a great place to meet friends.

Is the server safe for everyone?

We have players of all ages and our team works hard to ensure our server is fun and safe for everyone. Our staff team works diligently to ensure that players follow our rules and policies and issue punishments or infractions to correct behavior contrary to our rules. Those that misbehave are prevented from chatting and/or permanently banned from the entire network. You can use the /report [player] command in our Minecraft server (IP: isoVerse.net) if other players are breaking our rules, or report them online at our website. The server is not constantly monitored by our Moderation team, but we do our best to respond as quickly as possible.

We enforce our rules strictly. Minor offenses for non-inappropriate behavior may only receive a warning before being punished, especially when a rule is broken by accident, with the expectation that that was their last chance. Any inappropriate, vulgar, defamatory, or hostile language is forbidden. Our chat filter is highly effective and many times can instantly mute or ban someone using inappropriate language. 

For additional information if you're worried about mental health and wellness, please visit this page.

What are donations used for? Are payments secure?

When purchasing a rank or purchasing another item from the store, you can receive perks and simultaneously help keep isoVerse running. We rely on store purchases to keep the servers online and updated. Anything above our operating expenses is put back into the server to help it grow. We use monetary funds for server hosting, databases, backups, security, development, research, and very occasionally supporting projects that we use.
All payments made to isoVerse are secure at industry-standard levels. Our payment processor is PCI DSS Level 1 compliant and isoVerse never sees your payment information.

How can I get more information or speak to a staff member?

Browse this wiki to learn more about our server. You can also send a direct message to staff members via the website or Discord.

Last edited by Blacktane · 8 days ago

Please find our statement below from the staff team regarding mental health and the support that is available. 

We all love adventuring in Minecraft, building epic creations, and hanging out with fellow minecrafters. But just like any big project, sometimes we hit unexpected challenges. And guess what? That's okay! Just like any adventurer needs a good sword and shield, we all need to take care of our mental health to keep exploring and building at our best.

Here's the deal:

This server is your friendly neighbourhood diamond mine. We want isoVerse to be a safe and inclusive space where everyone feels welcome and respected. If you ever experience negativity or bullying, please don't mine for solutions alone! Report it to our staff – we're here to pickaxe away any negativity and keep things friendly. Just remember, this server is open to adventurers of all ages, so keep things positive and avoid sensitive topics in general chat.

Your well-being is golden. Taking care of yourself is super important, even if it means taking a break from epic builds or slaying creepers. Remember to prioritize real-life responsibilities, find healthy ways to cope with stress, and don't be afraid to step away and recharge. This server will always be here, but your mental health is your most valuable treasure.

There's a map to help you navigate. If you're feeling lost or need extra support, remember there are amazing resources available. You can reach out to mental health professionals, hotlines, or online communities dedicated to helping people just like you. We can't offer professional help ourselves, but we're happy to point you in the right direction.

Here are some helpful websites and hotlines, like potions for your mental health:

For immediate assistance, consider reaching out to mental health helplines in your country. Here are some helplines from major countries:

  • United States: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
  • United Kingdom: Samaritans - 116 123
  • Australia: Lifeline - 13 11 14
  • Canada: Crisis Services Canada - 1-833-456-4566

Can't find a number or website for your country? Check here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines

(Please note that anonymity will be disclosed upon reaching out to services)Remember, even the strongest fortresses started as a single block. By working together and taking care of ourselves, we can build a truly supportive and awesome community on isoVerse. So keep exploring, keep building, and most importantly, keep taking care of yourselves!

With support,

The isoVerse Adminstrative Team.

Last edited by joshwenke · 2 months ago

The isoVerse team is made up of remarkable people who show their dedication to helping improving isoVerse. To see who is a member of the isoVerse team click here.

How to join the team

To apply for a position on the isoVerse team all you need to do is submit and application to join the Staff, Devlopment, Builder, or Media Team. When applying please read the application thoroughly and ensure your are filling out the information correctly. You only get one chance per application, so make it count!

Application Tips

To have an application that stands out from others, we recommend that you follow these guidelines:

  • Use proper spelling and grammer.
  • Proofread your application.
  • Give thorough answers and provide lots of detail to each question.
  • Write more than 150 characters, as many text areas have a 150 character minimum requirements.
  • Only apply when you are qualified, see below.
  • Only apply if you are willing to put in the effort to help develop for isoVerse.
  • You only get ONE attempt at your application.

isoVerse Team Expectations

You must be engaged with the isoVerse community and participate in activities as well as assigned duties. You must attend the weekly all-team meeting, and any specific team meetings, each week.

All Discussions in channels

All discussions about your role must be done in the isoVerse Discord server.
There are several channels you must be familar with and use. In your Team there a specific channels as well as channels that all teams have these include:

  • Annoucements: This is where the admins and team leaders will post information regarding future events, feedback, as well as what they expect from the team in the future.
  • Chat: This is where all the discusion in regards to your team project will take place so that everyone can give feedback on what to improve and what not to put in.
  • Your personal Channel: Each person has a channel where they communicate with the admins and their team leader exclusively.

Completing assigned work

While you are online you must be actively working on assigned projects for a minimum of:

  • Developers: 3 issues per week.
  • Builders: 3 hours per week.
  • Media: Properly meeting deadlines of scheduled posts, Events, and Contests.

Participate and play on isoVerse

  • You must be active and online on the server for a minimum of 6 hours per week.
  • Participate in Contest and Events.
  • Like and share most or all of our social media posts on platforms that you have an account to.
  • Submit daily votes for the server as much as possible to boost the servers presence online.
  • Link your Discord account and be active on the Discord server, repsonding to pings if needed.

Requirements for membership on the isoVerse Team

To apply, you MUST be at least 13 years old.

Being a isoVerse team member is a large resposibility and is not a commmitment to be taken lightly. If you are happy to meet these requirements, then you should apply. To qualify for an isoVerse team position, you should attempt to model a great community member by doing the following.

  • Follow the isoVerse rules, both in game and on Discord.
  • You must link your discord account.
  • Be available for weekly call meetings, if unavailable you must notify the team leader.
  • Be willing to use a microphone and voice chat during Discord team meeting.
  • Like and share social media posts to help boost server presence online.
  • Aim to vote each day.
  • Go out of your way to answer questions and help others.
  • Be active on the server and online as much as possible.
  • Be active on the isoVerse Discord channels.
  • Be a source of positive energy for the community both in game and on Discord.
  • Participate in isoVerse Events and Contests.
  • Do not ask for a staff or team position.

If you are already on the team please refer to the Team Information section of the wiki for more detailed information.