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New ways

FireTobs FireTobs: 6 months ago

In imber there are new shop keepers but better like the shop keepers in factions it just makes it more fun and jobs like in factions that can help you make money and then you have goals get it it just makes survival more fun make money and buy to upgrade



FireTobs FireTobs: 6 months ago

I know that Josh is gonna say something like what prices but just do them exactly like in factions just copy and paste them

ImAlsoGus ImAlsoGus: 6 months ago

I'm not sure I understand this suggestion. What specifically is better about factions that you're trying to bring in?

joshwenke joshwenke: 6 months ago

Agree with Gus, this does not make sense. Please provide specific items and prices if you are looking to change what's already there, or new items/prices/traders if you want something different. There are already many traders in Imber

Vertanzil Vertanzil: 4 months ago

No answer closing this.