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Money farm

FireTobs FireTobs: 7 months ago

You get money if you kill a mob depends on how rare and how hard it is, in survival.



joshwenke joshwenke: 7 months ago

In order for this to be implemented, we will need you to do some work. Provide a list of each mob, and the money you'd get from killing that mob. Please make prices fair and reasonable. Also include a limit, so you can't go killing mobs in a mob farm all day and make infinite money. What should the limit be per day?

FireTobs FireTobs: 6 months ago

Maybe 99 Isobux per day is limit maybe and zombie gives you 2 skeletons give you 5 spiders 3 creepers 7 baby zombie's 10

Vertanzil Vertanzil: 4 months ago

Closing this as we havent received answers