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Enable [item] string to show in chat what item you have in your hand

ImAlsoGus ImAlsoGus: about 1 year ago

On several other servers, I've seen that typing [item] in server chat causes the interface to show the item held in your main hand in the chat window--so others can see your sword or book or whatever. That's a fun thing, and I think it would be nice here too.



Vertanzil Vertanzil: about 1 year ago

Is it similar to this?, if so that is rather cool thing to add to the server.
This is another one if it gets more support behind it we can look to adding it into the game.

ImAlsoGus ImAlsoGus: about 1 year ago

Yep, that looks like it! I remember [item] was the placeholder, but otherwise it's the same.

ImAlsoGus ImAlsoGus: about 1 year ago

"X was slain using [item name]" might be nice too.