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New Survival Factions Kinda

FireTobs FireTobs: 4 months ago

In This New Game We Start In A Big Area With Lots Of Loot Chests If You Do /rtp You Automatedly Go To A Random Area Even If You Have Elite You can Not Choose Where To Go And If You Wanna Make A Oficial team You Place A Crafting Table Go In It Then Place A Netherite In The middle Then You Do 4 Diamonds Above One Under One In The Middle Right And Left Then In The Corners Redstone Then You Get A Custom Compas and If You Click It You Can Make A Name For Your Team And If You Put It In a Crafting Table You Get 4 Shards And Each Chard You Can Give To Someone And They can Add It To There Team That Makes It Bigger More Room For More Players a Custom Compass Thats New Can have 20 Players With One Extra Sharp 10 More And Over And Over And Over And Eventually There Is Gonna Be A Big War And Spies And team Leaders And Fighting Areas



FireTobs FireTobs: 4 months ago

If There Are Any Questions Just Ask Me

Blacktane Blacktane: 4 months ago

How would this bring more players to isoVerse? It takes alot to open up a new server.