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Users who do not log in in a long time (3 months?) have their claims temporatily disabled so other players can build near them.

TheDuck333 TheDuck333: 5 months ago

Users who do not log in in a long time (3 months?) have their claims temporatily disabled so other players can build near them.



ImAlsoGus ImAlsoGus: 5 months ago

This would have been very difficult for me during a time in my life when I was unable to play. It seems like it's encouraging folks to grab other people's stuff when they're having a health problem, away for school, or similar.

FireTobs FireTobs: 4 months ago

But Maybe A Year Till They go

Wardog2112 Wardog2112: 4 months ago

On a limited size map I can understand the need to reclaim land that people are no longer using. But what if they are "Pro" and paying the fee? I'm sure there's tons of people that join the server for a short period and never come back. For players that have made a significant build, reach out to them on Discord or through their email. If they don't respond well.....