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Enable nether roof [Survival]

TheDuck333 TheDuck333: 6 months ago

Enable nether roof [Survival]



Blacktane Blacktane: 6 months ago

What would you like to do with the creative roof, more information needed and community support

TheDuck333 TheDuck333: 6 months ago

The roof is great for transport, farms and storage. Honestly idk why it was disabled anyway.

Dirty_s15 Dirty_s15: 6 months ago

This is currently an ongoing discussion with the developers on how we can approach this as we have had a number of suggestions on how to implement this. At this point in time we are thinking there could be a quarterly reset allowing for farms to built on the Nether roof/Nether highways to be created but it would reset maybe 2-4 times a year allowing for this but not completely diminishing the Nether recourses e.g. netherite, bastions etc.

There was also another suggestion of having two Nether worlds, one that resets every 24 hours or maybe monthly and one that stays permanent that allows for these farms, storage and transport options to be implemented.

Any thoughts on these suggestions as we would love community input and support on these.

TheDuck333 TheDuck333: 6 months ago

I think have 2 nether worlds just like you used to have a resource and a build world would be great.