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Plant Growth/TickSpeed

KurtisLovesMonke KurtisLovesMonke: about 1 year ago

I'd like for plants to not grow on their own, as it isn't the best having to go and trim the plants every time I get on.
It'd be a huge time saver for me and probably others. It'd also stop copper from oxidizing on its own, which would be very good for people who want their copper to not change colors.



joshwenke joshwenke: about 1 year ago

This is an interesting idea! How would this be controlled? What about players that want plants to grow?

Vertanzil Vertanzil: about 1 year ago

I honestly don't think we should mess with the tick mechanics of the server, as I don't see how we would be able to separate this for players who want it and players who don't.

This could potentially lead to instability, and the server crashing.

joshwenke joshwenke: about 1 year ago

Since we did not get additional info, this suggestion will be closed.