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Website to discord chat

Blacktane Blacktane: about 1 year ago

A chat which people can communicate from the website to the discord server, so non discor dusers can communicate with discord people



Vertanzil Vertanzil: about 1 year ago

Sounds possible but it would need some kind of bridge building and then a way to log in and out and link that to the forums / discord.

Question here would this communicate with the server as well or just the discord?

joshwenke joshwenke: about 1 year ago

For this to be implemented, we'll need this suggestion to have more likes and comments! If you are passionate about this feature, share it with the community and get some positive traction.

Blacktane Blacktane: about 1 year ago

I would think that it can do both at the same time Vert

CaptinServers CaptinServers: about 1 year ago

Mcloving it

joshwenke joshwenke: about 1 year ago

Since we did not get additional support, this suggestion will be closed.